It's not the absence of fear, it's overcoming it. Sometimes you've got to blast through and have faith.

Emma Watson
About This Module

It's so much easier to sell a client who has phoned you than doing outbound marketing!  In this module, we will explore some critical marketing methods you should already be doing, as well as some top ways to market the color side of your business.

  • Marketing Overview
  • Image & Brand
  • Sales Funnel & Facebook
Marketing Starts with Credibility...Download Your Logos (right click and save as...)
Marketing is More Than Just Thinking About Color...

I'm going to brainstorm several ways you can market your new color service in the following videos, so keep an open mind, think about your strengths and start marketing...

Get CCE Marketing Checklist

An easy Marketing "To Do" Checklist that lists at least 15 ways you can market your color services!

Get Key Word Spread Sheet

Use these keyword Google stats to pick good terms for your website SEO and each service page terms...

**Moz Local - This company will actually submit your business for you to big local directory listings for a yearly fee, so it might be worth looking into. 

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